Friday, September 14, 2007


My last message. I am in Madrid again, and getting over a very long and sleepless travel day. We didn't win an award, although the film that did didn't deserve it because it wasn't a documentary! All the directors were very surprised.

Yesterday I had a 12 hour lay-over in Moscow, so got to see some of the city as well. Am now thinking of a film I can make easily and quickly, so I can send it to the Perm festival and return next year!! :-)

So, instead of a few pictures per day, here they all are at the same time. Click to enlarge.


On the flight in: after the Dutch royal family, ING, a phone company by the same name, the Ukranian revolution and the Spanish right-wing party, Aeroflot is also "going orange..."

Don't enter Japan. You may not survive it (from the inflight magazine):

Don't fly Nepal airlines either:

Perm airport on a cold early morning:

Open air museum - a historic village with an impossible name:

One of the most interesting items in the art galary (unintentionally I think):

... (words are not enough):

Lenin and me (he's bigger but I am alive):

Some of the directors:

My state after the final party and before the 22-hour trip home:


And more Moscow (this guy doesn't like his job but has no alternative):